A more ambitious 2016

I’ve been writing on this weblog just whenever, and in many ways that’s fine. It’s not like it’s my job or anything… I just want to get some thoughts out occasionally, and a few people will even read them.

But I’m conscious that I could do more. I could even try to attract readers. I have also considered branching out to more than one weblog, such as a second one for reviews. But the first thing to do is probably to post more often.

I have a million things to do. I always do. So I’m not sure I will have the time for this; we’ll have to see. But starting next week, my goal will be to put out one more theoretical post and one review (or something similar) every week. Note that they could be the same post, if I analyse something in a piece of fiction. Meanwhile, there’s also a Twitter account being set up. Not really finished yet.

See you next week, then, and hopefully most weeks after that.

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